Results day FAQs


Results day can be an emotional time and it can be hard to organise all the thoughts and questions you may have.


How should you prepare for results day?

Whatever your expectations, you should have a contingency plan in place.


You should carefully consider all your options, including resitting your exams, deferring, taking a gap year or reapplying next year.


If you're feeling nervous, talk to people who've experienced results day already, whether that’s a parent, older sibling, friend or teacher.


Read our FAQs and take a look at our results day and Clearing page for more info.


How do you check the listof universities in uk?

The best way is to regularly check UCAS Track.


UCAS Track updates as soon as updates are received from universities. Even if you don't get the grades you need, you should check UCAS Track first as you may still be offered a place.


Remember to have your password and ID number for UCAS Track at hand, and check your email inbox isn’t full and can accept bulk emails. Many universities will send confirmation messages automatically to a list of their applicants.


What should you do if you're away for results day?

Our advice is you should never go away on results day, but there are measures you can take.


Make arrangements with your school to get access to your results if you can't get them online. You should also check UCAS Track as soon as possible on results day. If you need to go through Clearing, don’t leave it till you get back to contact universities as this could reduce your options quite a bit.


You’ve got your expected results and met the entry requirements of your Conditional Firm (CF) choice. Do you need to do anything on results day?

Congratulations! You should have a place at your first-choice university.


For peace of mind, you should still check UCAS Track, especially if you have an offer expressed in UCAS points rather than grades. Once Track confirms you’ve met the conditions of your offer, you should wait for the confirmation email from your university. Check the university has the right email address and that your inbox is set up to receive messages from them.


If you have any questions for your university, it’s best to wait until the following week to contact them as they'll be extremely busy for the first few days after results day.

After you've celebrated, you can start thinking about preparing to go to university.


You just missed out on your CF choice. Is it worth calling them to see if they’ll still offer you a place?

Yes, it's worth contacting them, but be aware it may not change anything.


This will usually mean the course is full, but that’s not to say there isn’t any hope. It’s worth calling to see if anyone decides not to take their offer or finds another place via Adjustment. The university may be able to offer you an alternative, similar course, for example via joint honours or with a foundation year. 


What if you want to appeal your A Level results?

Some students will be unhappy with what they were awarded, but there are options. Read more about how to appeal your A Level results and find out the best course of action.


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